Therapeutic Massage

Deep Tissue Massage

A type of massage therapy, deep tissue massage combines firm pressure and slow strokes to reach deeper layers of muscle and fascia (the connective tissue surrounding muscles). By working deep in the muscles and joints, this treatment helps to warm and relax over-exerted bodies.Whether the cause is physical activity or chronic stress, the firm techniques of deep tissue massage are used to melt away pain, stress, soreness and tension while improving posture, flexibility and fluid movement and the release of holding patterns.
Deep tissue massage is a full body treatment with medium to firm pressure while focusing on altering structure and muscle restrictions, by using variations of depth of pressure, speed of strokes, or use of elbows and knuckles. Classic massage techniques will be combined with neuromuscular and trigger point techniques.
Due to this application of firm pressure, deep tissue massage is recommended for people who are comfortable with a slightly more intense touch.
When a client feels stressed out due to demands at work, home or both, deep tissue massage can help ease this stress in a healthy manner. Deep tissue massage may be able to lessen pain, can be used for other conditions as well, such as fibromyalgia, low-back pain, potentially providing some much-needed relief and makes movement easier. This treatment course can even lower heart rate and blood pressure.
In addition, deep tissue massage techniques are designed for chronic aches and pain,stiffness in the neck and shoulders, upper and lower back pain, and lower body muscle tightness.
Scar tissue forms when an area of the body is injured and heals. Although the most common scars are those that result from a visible cut, sometimes they occur deeper in the body, such as when you damage muscles, ligaments or tendons. It is this type of scarring that deep tissue massage can help resolve, making it easier to move and promoting greater range of motion.
Manual Lymphatic Drainage

Lymph nodes are small, bean-like glands located just 1 mm under you skin in various parts of the body, such as your neck, groin, and armpits. The lymph system is an important part of the immune system, the body’s defense system against disease.Your lymphatic system also removes fluid from body tissues that may be delivered by your blood, absorbs fatty acids from your intestines, circulates white blood cells and plays a key role in your response to infections.
Lymph nodesare part of the lymph system, they serve as filters for harmful materials. The lymph system transports fluid (lymph fluid), nutrients and waste material between the body tissues and the bloodstream.
Lymph fluid carries toxins and other waste products, like infected cells and cell debris from inflammation or injuries to your lymph nodes, before your body eliminates them. In addition, the system has the ability to rapidly reduce edema, diminish bruising, and decrease overall pain sensation.
Complications of the Lymphatic System
A lymphatic obstruction is a blockage in the lymphatic system. It causes tissues to become swollen with lymphatic fluid. This is called lymphedema. It results in swelling in your arms or legsor other effected parts of the body.
Lymphedema, a swelling of your body tissues, occurs when your lymphatic system does not efficiently remove excess fluid from your body tissue. It may be caused by certain infections, parasites, surgery, injury, radiation or cancer.
Manual Lymphatic Drainage for Lymph Blockage Relief
Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) is a type of gentle massage intended to encourage the natural drainage of the lymph, which carries waste products away from the tissues, to be filtered by your own body’s cleaning mechanism, and transported back into the circulatory system.