What is Neuromuscular Therapy ?


Our bodies are impressive instruments constantly at work to carry out an array of functions, including the many movements that carry us through our busy days.
But, as life pulls us in different directions, our bodies and the detailed muscle systems that help us move can get thrown off balance. Over time, signs of this imbalance show up as aches, pains and inflammation. In addition, as our body tries to carry on despite being out of balance, long-term impacts such as degeneration and even disease can occur.
Neuromuscular Therapy (NMT) seeks to treat and prevent the types of injuries that result from an imbalance within the body’s muscles and soft tissues. My NMT treatments use an approach that combines a precise anatomical understanding with centered, holistic methods.
Types of Injuries / Pain Treated
Here are just a few factors I’ll address during my NMT
treatments with you:
- Trigger points,
- Neural entrapments/compressions
- Postural imbalance
- Nutritional imbalances/deficiencies
- Emotional factors
My Approach / Treatment
NMT is recommended for an array of conditions, from injury prevention to chronic pain. My goal is to alleviate the stress, burdens, and ultimately your pain, all while motivating you to alter the daily habits that might be contributing to your condition.