Low back pain affects nearly all of us at some stage of our active adult life. In fact, it is one of the most common health problems. Many factors can influence the cause of back pain, making its exact cause hard to diagnose. Often it starts without warning or obvious causation. It can follow an event or accompany aging.
Lower back pain may also be referred to as fibrosis, fibromyalgia, slipped disc, degenerative disc disease, arthritis, rheumatism, lumbago, or sciatica.
Chronic lower back pain can be worsened by certain positions and movement, but there are other possible issues.
The most common cause of acute lower back pain is a back muscle strain or ligament strain. Lifting a heavy object, twisting, or a sudden movement can cause muscles or ligaments to stretch or develop microscopic tears.
Poor posture is another major culprit for lower back pain. Sitting for a prolonged period of time, repetitive movements like bending over and over.
Improper lifting or posture can result in uneven development or tightening of the postural (posture) muscles of the back. The deep erector muscles, which run between ribs and vertebrae, account for our ability to move and remain upright. The trapezius and latissimus, large muscles that are stretched over the erector muscles,allow us to move, lift, and pull ourselves up. When these larger muscles are unbalanced or uneven in strength, they begin to affect our posture and movement. These imbalances can also begin to pull on the pelvis bones. This tension often results in pain in the hip.