Difficulty breathing, or constricted breathing, happens when shallow, short breaths replace breathing at a natural pace. Shallow breathing may be a result of tightened muscles around the rib cage and abdomen, which restrict air flow. Shallow breathing uses neck muscles that are actually intended as breathing “helpers.” Overusing these muscles can create lots of tension in the neck.
Breathing function can be impeded by restrictions in the air passages due to illness, injury, chronic weakness, or blockages from foreign objects such as dust or mucus. Tense muscles, poor posture, tight clothing or emotional stress can also restrict breathing.
Neuromuscular Therapy (NMT), including massage therapy, can be used to address constricted breathing by teaching tactics to improve breathing capacity and function. As a result, breathing and respiratory issues, such as allergies, sinus problems, asthma and bronchitis may see improvement as well.
Not only can NMT improve breathing, it also influences posture by opening the chest area and aligning the rib cage structure. The result is an expansion needed for optimal lung function, with breathing at a rate that is deep and regular.